In the last part of DECEIVED PERCEPTION ABOUT LIFE, I described two aspects which was of a college going student and the other was about friendship. In this part the focus is given upon the other aspects which we often perceive as true but in reality they hold a totally different value and meaning. So here it goes-

Let me throw some light on the concept of INNER SATISFACTION. It refers to the joy and satisfaction we feel inside ourselves when we do a certain thing that we love. People do certain activities and they possess various hobbies which make them happy and serves as a reason to live their life peacefully and blissfully.The thing to be perceive here is that most people do the things that they love and give them inner satisfaction but the main concern here lies in the fact that those things are benefiting solely to them only. There is no harm in doing so but the strong meaning of inner satisfaction somehow deteriorates here. This is so because HELPING OTHERS, OBSERVING THE JOY ON SOMEONE’S FACE THROUGH YOUR EFFORTS AND FEELING THAT YOU ARE THE REASON WHO BROUGHT THAT JOY AND POSITIVENESS IN SOMEONE ELSE’S LIFE are the things that enhances the the real meaning of INNER SATISFACTION. One may argue here that what about earning money and satisfying our own needs first? It is true that earning money and satisfying our inner soul is utmost important in our life but the first priority should always be helping others with any resources we possess because the INNER SATISFACTION then to be felt by us cant be compared to anything else in this world. Keeping all these things in mind the only thing we have to take care here is about the trust factor. If you don’t trust a person then you strictly should not bestow your love, efforts, or resources on him or her. You should straight away say NO or drift away from the person who is not at all trustworthy because some cruelness always prevails in this beautiful world.


Now the most important aspect to properly understand is the MOTIVATIONAL FACTOR. Some or the other motivation is always required to succeed in life and move forward to conquer our dreams. One is fortunate enough if he or she is surrounded with great hearted people who always motivates him or her to move forward in life. But when that’s not the case then the most powerful source of motivation lie within ourselves. Its different to think and its totally different to act. We should always trust our inner instinct because after all its our life and we have to make it large. When our action leads equally with our thinking then the finish line to success is not so far away from us. We need to be patient, dedicated and work hard and sometimes when we are done working hard, we are ought to work even harder to achieve what we strive for. All these things start with our own positive motivation, so we should always BELIEVE IN OURSELVES.

That’s all for  DECEIVED PERCEPTION ABOUT LIFE!!- PART 2. I hope you like it and perceive it as realistic. I urge my readers to read the first part of   DECEIVED PERCEPTION ABOUT LIFE!! as well if you haven,t read it yet. There are many more interesting posts on the way. Till then buh bye. Take care of yourself and always perceive life as beautiful…






  1. Thank you for the follow. We need a moral compass in order to live in harmony with our Creator’s directions, which is readily found in his Word. Our own hearts can prove to be deceitful so we need guidance in order to proceed in any tasks we undertake. What do you think?

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Yes I agree with you that a proper guidance is a necessary element for a person to succeed. Without the guidance people often gets deceived in many ways so its better to learn from others experiences as well as their mistakes. 🙂


  2. I became a teacher because I felt that inner satisfaction when I helped a child learn something. It’s an amazing feeling when a child comes into your class not being able to read and then leaves reading fluently. Yes, I’m getting paid for what I am doing but it means so much more that I am changing lives and helping children develop skills that they will use for the rest of their lives. Thanks for sharing this!

    Liked by 5 people

    1. Yes, even I love to teach my juniors who are in school right now. The pleasure of observing that something is getting into student’s head and when he or she feels happy and satisfied then the the level of inner satisfaction to be felt is way beyond that money cant buy. ☺. I am glad you shared your experience here. Thank you so much and I wish you all the very best for your future. ☺

      Liked by 2 people

  3. I’m flattered that you have followed my blog and hope I won’t disappoint you. When I can do it justice (I am currently travelling) I will certainly visit yours and i am certain oyu will not disappoint me judging by this article and the comments you have already received.

    Liked by 5 people

  4. I just visited your blog and I’m glad I did. Your ideas on life and it’s various aspects are such a breath of fresh air.
    Really good stuff👌

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Good thoughts on important topics. Your posts bespeak mature wisdom. This is the tiniest bit surprising only because your gravatar suggests a (handsome, hip) young man, Sir. You are eloquent in a unique, artistic style, perhaps suggesting English may be a second language (my imagination rambling away here) and yet your points ring truth and logic like a bell. All combined have me wanting to know more about you, the author; how long you’ve been writing/blogging, where are you from, post-grad ambitions or profession and from where you want to live – basics. Let’s face it, we’re a nosy species needing continuous stimulation lest we pursue troublesome notions. ;0

    Liked by 2 people

    1. I started blogging 4 months earlier as my friends and family members suggested me a platform like wordpress where I can put forward my thoughts and understanding of human kind and provide appropriate solutions as well to live in peace and make people around the world to understand the reality of life.
      I am from New Delhi, India pursuing Bachelor of Journalism And Mass Communication and I would love to travel the world so that I can meet people from different cultures, talk to them and teach them what they are missing out in life or on what things they are deceived upon. But I do not possess enough resources to do so right now, so yeah way to go. ☺

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Inner satisfaction is much greater than materialistic factor. While we do need money for the sake of survival in today’s day and age, we tend to forget about other important things such as helping others and making others happy. We are too caught up with ourselves that we forget about others. Helping others when they are in need will give us a sense of purpose and satisfaction that no material things can ever buy. Much love ❤

    Liked by 1 person

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